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Turkey allows foreign doctors and nurses to practice in Turkey

As per Decree in Force of Law No KHK/663 Regarding Organization and Tasks of Ministry of Health and Affiliated Institutions dated 2 November 2011 as published in the Official Gazette, Turkey officially allows foreign work force of non-Turkish doctors and nurses. Paragraph 8 of Article 58 of the Decree in Force of Law has amended certain provisions of the Law On Practice of Medicine and Medical Sciences dated 11 April 1928 and No.1219 whereby references to “Turkish doctors” are changed to solely “doctors” as a result of which foreign doctors would be legally eligible to work as doctors in the Republic of Turkey should they meet the qualifications set forth under applicable regulations. A similar amendment has been made with regards to the nurses through Paragraph 9 of Article 58 of the Decree in Force of Law, and consequently foreign nurses would able to perform their professions in Turkey.
